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Academic Integrity Code

Last updated on Jun 23, 2021

CCA students are expected to maintain standards of academic integrity. The college defines four types of academic dishonesty:

  • Cheating, or the intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic or studio exercise
  • Fabrication, or the intentional and unauthorized fabrication or invention of any information or citation in any academic or studio exercise
  • Plagiarism, or the intentional or knowing representation of words, images, concepts, or ideas of another as one's own in any academic or studio exercise
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty, or intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this code

The Academic Integrity Code is to be upheld and enforced by all CCA students and faculty members. Depending on the nature and severity of the incident, violations of this code may result in academic or disciplinary sanctions, or both, up to and including failure of the course and dismissal from the college.

Once notified of the allegation of academic dishonesty or a resulting sanction, students should meet with their instructor as soon as possible to discuss the allegation and resulting sanction.

Following this discussion, if the student wishes to appeal the sanction, they should consult with the chair of the program overseeing the course in question. Finally, if the matter still remains unresolved following discussion with the chair, the student may appeal to the divisional dean within two weeks of receiving the chair’s decision. All violations of academic integrity, along with any resulting actions or sanctions, are subject to review by the Provost.

Responsible Expression

The students of the College are protected by College’s Student Code of Conduct and the Policy for the Protection of Students from Sexual Misconduct. All CCA community members shall abide by Title IX, the Civil Rights Act, the ADA and other policies of the College that prohibit discrimination and harassment. Any student who experiences any conduct from staff, faculty or peer students or others, particularly that which could adversely affect them due to sexual misconduct or other code of conduct violations, are encouraged to consult with the Office the Dean of Students by submitting a CCA Cares Form.

Artistic expression is not to be censored; however, behavior that will be a violation of student conduct policies or holds clear potential to be physically or emotionally harmful is not permitted. Students who wish to initiate projects involving physical contact with intimate areas of the body of/by students, staff or faculty, or involving participation (of students or others) in behavior that depicts violence must provide advance written proposals to the instructor and must defer activity until the instructor reviews and responds. In such circumstances, instructors are expected to consult with the program chair and division dean, and if necessary with the Title IX Coordinator.

In addition, CCA does not condone expression that singles out specific people or groups for gratuitous insult or that interferes with the learning experience of other members of the college community. Repeated abusive or disruptive expression or expression in a manner that violates the college's policies against unlawful discrimination and harassment may lead to disciplinary action.