Log into Handshake at: cca.joinhandshake.com
*CCA currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate Students and/or Alumni are added to Handshake after their enrollment and/or CCA Alumni status is confirmed with Student Records Office*
The Handshake job platform creates a space for CCA Students and Alumni to seek professional opportunities. Handshake connects users with employers, source jobs and internships, find event information, and register for on-campus recruiting opportunities. Employers also utilize Handshake as a recruitment tool, to identify qualified candidates for open positions and manage on-campus recruitment activities.
- Apply to professional opportunities directly from the Handshake
- Source jobs, internships and event information
- Identify and R.S.V.P. for on-campus recruiting opportunities
- Customize your profile - add links to portfolio, social media
- Recruit qualified candidates for open positions
- Manage on-campus recruitment events

Having trouble setting up your Handshake account? Watch this short video!
FERPA Handshake is designed to enable complete FERPA compliance. When a University launches Handshake the career center, in partnership with the IT organization on campus, upload FERPA protected information to Handshake. This data is used by the career center for purposes of tracking engagement, maintaining counseling notes, and other key functions allowed by the system. This data transfer is permitted by FERPA under the service provider exception. When a student logs in to Handshake they “claim their account” and are in full control over how their information is shared with third parties on the system (employers. The Handshake agreement defines this transition as a “Claimed Account”. Handshake’s opt-in process is designed to ensure students are in full control of their information at all times. No student information is visible to others on the system unless that student has explicitly opted to share that data. These decisions are reportable for purposes of compliance. Handshake has been vetted by Universities across the country and found to be 100% inline with the FERPA legislation. Handshake retains FERPA experts and incorporates FERPA training into the employee on-boarding process.