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November 3, 2020 - Message from the President

Posted November 3, 2020, 12:59 PM

This message was emailed to members of the CCA community on November 3, 2020

Dear CCA Community,

Like many of you, I’ve been thinking endlessly about what today’s election means for our community, our country, and our democracy. I’ve checked Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight website far too often, looking for encouragement within the data. I’ve found hope in the words of others, like historian Heather Cox Richardson, who sees reason to be excited about our democracy and our future. I’ve lain awake contemplating the consequences of different scenarios—a Biden win; a Trump win; a race with no clear outcome tonight, tomorrow, or perhaps longer. And I’ve found comfort, as I often do, in art and in music.

I hope you are finding ways to manage the anxiety and stress brought on by this bitterly divisive election. Student Life, CCA@CCA, and the Staff Advisory Committee have organized several gatherings and compiled some resources to help our community move forward in a positive way. Please hold space in the coming days to support one another and make time for discussions about this moment and the very personal challenges it brings for individuals and members of our community. Be compassionate with your students, peers, colleagues, and teachers who may need time and space to process what is happening, and who may need extra time to complete assignments or work.

I do not know what the outcome of this historic election will be. Tonight I, like many of you, will be anxiously watching the election returns, knowing full well that we may not know the outcomes of many races—including who will be our president—right away. I’m preparing to be patient as votes are tallied, realizing that it may take days, or even weeks, to count the record number of mail-in ballots cast. I take heart in that fact—the level of engagement and voter turnout in this election is higher than it’s been in generations, which I see as a clear sign of hope for our democracy.

I’ll also be reflecting on the ways we’ve come together as creative citizens during this tumultuous year. I’m heartened by the creative activism of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and humbled to be part of this community.

This event—today’s election—has consumed our attention for weeks, for months, maybe for the past four years. But this event is not an end in itself. It marks just the beginning of what we must do to continue our creative citizenship and find ways to help shape the kind of country and society that we want.

I also want to acknowledge those of you who do not have the privilege of casting a ballot in this election, yet are deeply affected by its outcome. Although you may not be able to vote in this election, you do have a voice in our collective future. Use that voice. Use it to advocate for the society you want to see—for justice, equity, sustainability, the things that are important to you.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the next step in our democratic experiment. As we wait to see what the election brings, please be safe, be supportive, and be kind to yourself and others. And be ready, no matter what happens, to continue our work as creative citizens, activists, and designers of the future we want to live in.

Take care,
