Work-Study FAQ
Can I work multiple jobs?
Yes, you can! Students are permitted to work up to the total combined number of 20 hours per week during in-school period (Fall and Spring semesters). During school summer break, all students may work up to 37.5 hours per week.
Are jobs guaranteed?
An offer of work-study in your financial aid award package is not a guarantee of employment or a cash award. Student employment awards cannot be included when you complete your Student Accounts Billing Worksheet because they do not guarantee employment or earnings.
How are students paid?
All students must regularly submit time in Workday by the scheduled payroll deadlines. Students may not save their time entry to submit at the end of the semester. Students and supervisors will be notified via email prior to each payroll lockout period when hours need to be submitted for payment. Please visit Instructional Guides on timesheet here.
Students must allow adequate time for their supervisor to review and approve time entered. If you have more than one position at CCA, you must submit separate time entry in Workday for each position. You will be able to select each position from the drop down menu in your timesheet. If you only have one position, the position will be automatically selected for you.
Once hired, do I have to stay in that job?
No. You can leave a job at any time. You want to try to do it on good terms and provide two weeks notice when possible.
Am I allowed to work past graduation?
No. Students may not work beyond the last day in the scheduled semester of graduation.
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
What does the Federal Work-Study dollar amount mean on my offer letter?
If your financial aid includes $3,000 in FWS, that is the total amount you can earn in a FWS position. Your financial aid offer splits it into $1,500 fall and $1,500 spring but as far as FWS is concerned, you can earn any portion of that amount at any point during the program year while enrolled.
Am I assigned a job by the Work-Study office?
No. Students with FWS offered apply for FWS jobs just as they would any job. The individual supervisors choose to interview students based on their application and resume and may interview you for the position.
When can I begin applying for jobs?
First, make sure your FAFSA has been submitted to CCA. If selected for Verification by the Department of Education, be sure to submit all requested documents to the Financial Aid Office through Workday Inbox. Students may not begin working until Verification has been completed.
Is Work-Study mandatory, do I have to get a job?
No. However, you should consider the benefits: FWS is gift aid which does not have to be repaid unlike federal loans. It’s also not counted as additional income earned from work when you complete next year’s FAFSA. You may choose to work off campus at a non-FWS position.
Can I continue in my position after my FWS runs out?
In most cases the answer is yes. After your FWS funding (which pays your wages) runs out, most students can be paid through Institutional Work-Study funding.
International Student
Are there any special requirements for international students?
International students are required to have a valid social security number before beginning work. If you do not currently have a social security number (SSN), you will need to follow the steps for obtaining a social security number to secure on-campus employment at CCA.
Summer Work-Study
Are there special requirements to work in the summer?
Yes! The following requirements must be met to work in either a FWS or IWS job.

Can any student work under Federal Work-Study or Institutional Work-Study in the summer?
No. The following students cannot work during the summer break.
- New students starting in the upcoming semester.
- Students returning from leave of absence in the upcoming semester.
- Continuing students who have failed Financial Aid SAP requirements.
- Continuing students who are not meeting the eligibility requirements outlined in the previous question.