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Internships are a great opportunity to apply and develop the skills you are learning in your degree. This page describes the general process for completing an internship at CCA.

International Students: International Student Services (ISS) must approve your Curricular Practice Training (CPT) for the internship. You must wait for ISS approval and receive the CPT I-20 before beginning your internship. Working without authorization can result in the loss of your F-1 status.

Required Internships

how to complete your internship page in Moodle

Some programs at CCA require students to complete an internship in addition to their coursework in order to graduate. Students with required internships are automatically placed in their program's internships course in Moodle—usually before they are eligible to begin the internship. If you are not in your program's internship course—and believe you should be—contact the Help Desk.

Once in the internships Moodle course, there is a How to Complete Your Internship page that describes the steps to complete the internship. The steps may vary depending on your program.

Non-required Internships

Non-required, or "secondary", internships are completed separately from ones that are required for a degree. Students can complete a non-required internship in addition to their required internship or if their program does not require internships. International students must still receive ISS approval to work for non-required internships.

To begin a non-required internship, email Help Desk asking them to put you into your program's internship course. You should copy (cc) your program chair on the email you send to Help Desk. If you do not know who your program chair is, search Portal's people directory for "[name of program] chair" e.g. "industrial design chair".

As with required internships, the specific steps to complete an internships are shown on the How to Complete Your Internship page once you are in the Moodle course.