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Digital Fabrication Studio: 3D Printers

3D Printing at CCA

Last updated on Mar 12, 2025

*********SPRING BREAK HOURS*********
March 22 & 23 (Saturday and Sunday) the fabrication shops will be closed.
March 24-28 (Monday - Friday) fabrication shops are accessible by appointment* only from 9am-5pm.
March 29 (Saturday) regular operating hours resume.

*To schedule an appointment, please email the Studio Manager(s) that supervise the shop you wish to work in with the dates/times you plan on using the equipment and a brief description of your project.

While classes are in session, our hours are:

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 6 pm
Friday: 8 am - 8 pm
Saturday: 12 pm - 8 pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Laser Cutter
Main Building

Current Students, Faculty, and Staff may checkout a 3D Printer from the Digital Fabrication Studio after completing a 3D Printing orientation.

Printers are available for checkout and are allowed to travel "offsite" for up to 2 weeks at a time.

Each student is entitled to 1 roll of PLA material with their first machine checkout while supplies last. Additional rolls of material will have to be supplied by the student.
Profile Photo

Giovanni Jauregui

Rapid Prototyping Studio Manager

About the Digital Fabrication Studio: 3D Printers

CCA has a fleet of over 50 3D printers available for student, staff, and faculty use. Users may attend an orientation to receive training on this tool. Once certified, users may checkout the machine in 2 week increments.

Specializing in These Materials

  • Plastic

Tools and Equipment



Users must attend an orientation to be allowed access to any of the equipment in the Digital Fabrication Studio including the 3D Printers. A full list of currently scheduled orientations will be listed on the calendar posted to this page. Orientations will not be scheduled during the final 4 weeks of the semester to accommodate student use of the equipment. There are 2 types of orientations:

Open Orientations: Any user (student, staff, and faculty) may attend an "open" orientation, which are scheduled frequently throughout the semester. Sign ups for Digital Fabrication orientations are NOT required. To attend, please be on time and sign in on the attendance sheet; users who are more than 5 minutes late will not be allowed to attend.

Class Orientations: A class orientation is a private or closed orientation organized by a faculty member for their students in a specific class. The Digital Fabrication Studio requires a minimum of 1 weeks notice to attempt to schedule your classes orientation. Faculty may request to schedule a "class" orientation by submitting this Rapid Prototyping Studio Orientation Request Form

