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Within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the Resolution Process, the Title IX Coordinator provides the Parties with a written outcome notification. The outcome notification will specify the finding for each alleged Policy violation, any applicable sanctions that the College is permitted to share pursuant to state or federal law, and a detailed rationale, written by the Decision-maker, supporting the findings to the extent the College is permitted to share under federal or state law.

The notification will also detail the Parties’ equal rights to appeal, the grounds for appeal, the steps to take to request an appeal, and when the determination is considered final if neither party appeals.

The Title IX Coordinator will provide the Parties with the outcome notification simultaneously, or without significant time delay between notifications. The written outcome notification may be delivered by one or more of the following methods: in person, mailed to the local or permanent address of the Parties as indicated in official College records, or emailed to the Parties’ College-issued or designated email account. Once mailed, emailed, and/or received in person, the outcome notification is presumptively delivered.


Factors considered by the Decision-maker when determining sanctions and responsive actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • The nature, severity of, and circumstances surrounding the violation(s)
  • The Respondent’s disciplinary history
  • The need for sanctions/responsive actions to bring an end to the discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
  • The need for sanctions/responsive actions to prevent the future recurrence of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
  • The need to remedy the effects of the discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation on the Complainant and the community
  • The impact on the Parties
  • Any other information deemed relevant by the Decision-maker(s)

The sanctions will be implemented as soon as it is feasible once a determination is final, either upon the outcome of any appeal or the expiration of the window to appeal, without an appeal being requested.

The sanctions described in this Policy are not exclusive of, and may be in addition to, other actions taken, or sanctions imposed, by external authorities.

Student Sanctions

The following are the common sanctions that may be imposed upon students singly or in combination:

  • Reprimand: A formal statement that the conduct was unacceptable and a warning that further violation of any College Policy, procedure, or directive may result in more severe sanctions/responsive actions.
  • Required Counseling: A mandate to meet with and engage in either College-sponsored or external counseling to better comprehend the misconduct and its effects.
  • Restrictions: A student may be restricted in their activities, including, but not limited to, being restricted from locations, programs, participation in certain activities or extracurriculars, study abroad, or from holding leadership in student organizations.
  • Probation: An official sanction for violation of institutional Policy, providing for more severe disciplinary sanctions in the event that the student is found in violation of any institutional Policy, procedure, or directive within a specified period of time. Terms of the probation will be articulated and may include denial of specified social privileges, exclusion from co-curricular activities, exclusion from designated areas of campus, no-contact orders, and/or other measures deemed appropriate.
  • Suspension: Separation from the institution, or one or more of its facilities, for a definite period of time, typically not to exceed two years, after which the student is eligible to return. Eligibility may be contingent upon satisfaction of specific conditions noted at the time of suspension, on successfully applying for readmission, or upon a general condition that the student is eligible to return if the institution determines it is appropriate to re-enroll/readmit the student. The student is typically required to vacate institutional property within 24 hours of notification of the action, though this deadline may be extended at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate official. During an institution-wide suspension, the student is banned from institutional property, functions, events, and activities unless they receive prior written approval from an appropriate institutional official. This sanction may be enforced with a trespass action, as necessary. [This sanction may be noted as a Disciplinary Suspension on the student’s official academic transcript, per institutional policy and/or state law.]
  • Expulsion: Permanent separation from the institution. The student is banned from institutional property, and the student’s presence at any institution-sponsored activity or event is prohibited. This action may be enforced with a trespass action, as necessary. [This sanction may be noted as Disciplinary Expulsion on the student’s official academic transcript, per institutional policy and/or state law.]
  • Withholding Diploma: The College may withhold a student’s diploma for a specified period of time and/or deny a student participation in commencement activities as a sanction if the student is found responsible for violating Policy.
  • Revocation of Degree: The College reserves the right on rare occasions to revoke a degree previously awarded from the College for fraud, misrepresentation, and/or other violation of College policies, procedures, or directives in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.
  • Other Actions: In addition to, or in place of, the above sanctions, the College may assign any other sanctions as deemed appropriate.

Student Group and Organization Sanctions

The following are the common sanctions that may be imposed upon student organizations singly or in combination:

  • Warning: A formal statement that the conduct was unacceptable and a warning that further violation of any CCA Policy, procedure, or directive will result in more severe sanctions/responsive actions.
  • Probation: An official sanction for violation of institutional Policy, providing for more severe disciplinary sanctions in the event that the group or organization is found in violation of any institutional Policy, procedure, or directive within a specified period of time. Terms of the probation will be articulated and may include denial of specified social and event privileges, denial of College funds, ineligibility for honors and awards, restrictions on new member recruitment, no-contact orders, and/or other measures deemed appropriate.
  • Suspension: Termination of student group or organization recognition and/or institutional support for a definite period of time not to exceed two years and/or until specific criteria are met. During the suspension period, a student group or organization may not conduct any formal or informal business or participate in College-related activities, whether they occur on- or off-campus. Re-recognition is possible but not guaranteed and will only be considered after the end of the suspension period and based on meeting all re-recognition criteria and obtaining clearance from the College.
  • Expulsion: Permanent termination of student group organization recognition and revocation of the privilege to congregate and conduct business on campus as an organization for any reason.
  • Loss of Privileges: Restricted from accessing specific College privileges for a specified period of time.
  • Other Actions: In addition to or in place of the above sanctions, the College may assign any other sanctions as deemed appropriate.

Employee Sanctions/Responsive/Corrective Actions

Sanctions that may be implemented for employee Policy violations include, but are not limited to: dismissal or termination of appointment or employment; reprimand; training; or any other remedy appropriate depending on the circumstances. Sanctions are subject to relevant existing collective bargaining agreement provisions.

Withdrawal or Resignation Before Complaint Resolution


Should a student Respondent decide not to participate in the Resolution Process, the process proceeds absent their participation to a reasonable resolution. If a student Respondent withdraws from the College, the Resolution Process may continue, or the Title IX Coordinator may exercise their discretion to dismiss the Complaint. If the Complaint is dismissed, the College will still provide reasonable supportive or remedial measures as deemed necessary to address safety and/or remedy any ongoing effects of the alleged harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation.

Regardless of whether the Complaint is dismissed or pursued to completion of the Resolution Process, the College will continue to address and remedy any systemic issues or concerns that may have contributed to the alleged violation(s), and any ongoing effects of the alleged discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation.

When a student withdraws or leaves while the process is pending, the student may not return to the College in any capacity until the Complaint is resolved and any sanctions imposed are satisfied. If the student indicates they will not return, the Title IX Coordinator has discretion to dismiss the Complaint. The Registrar and Office of Admissions will be notified, accordingly.

If the student Respondent takes a leave for a specified period of time (e.g., one semester or term), the Resolution Process may continue remotely. If found in violation, that student is not permitted to return to the College unless and until all sanctions, if any, have been satisfied.


Should an employee Respondent decide not to participate in the Resolution Process, the process proceeds absent their participation to a reasonable resolution. If an employee Respondent resigns from the College with unresolved allegations pending, the Resolution Process may continue, or the Title IX Coordinator may exercise their discretion to dismiss the Complaint. If the Complaint is dismissed, the College may still provide reasonable supportive or remedial measures as deemed necessary to address safety and/or remedy any ongoing effects of the alleged discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation.

When an employee resigns and the Complaint is dismissed, the employee may not return to the College in any capacity. Human Resources, the registrar, and admissions will be notified, accordingly, and a note will be placed in the employee’s file that they resigned with allegations pending and are not eligible for academic admission or rehire with the College. The records retained by the Title IX Coordinator will reflect that status.

Continue to Appeals.