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CRITI-3000: Interdisciplinary Critique

Course Description

This class provides intermediate and advanced students from all fine arts disciplines a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue within a rigorous and supportive critique process. As students continue to evolve their own body of work in the medium of their choice, this class engages them in discussion with artists who work in diverse media, and helps them to develop a shared critical analysis of their art practices. Students work on refining their conceptual approaches and presentation skills, and develop a portfolio of images and a written artist statement. This course includes critiques, guest artists, field trips, studio visits, and gallery visits.

In subject:

Academic Level:


Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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Fall 2024

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Angela Hennessy
  • Thu 4:00-07:00PM, Hooper GC - GC1

Spring 2024

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Donald Fortescue
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM, Hooper GC - GC1
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Nathan Lynch
  • Thu 12:00-03:00PM, Hooper GC - GC3
CRITI-3000-3: Moving Image Interdisciplinary Critique
Kota Ezawa
  • Thu 12:00-03:00PM, Hooper GC - GC1

Fall 2023

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Christopher Johnson, Susanne Cockrell
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM, Main Bldg - 141

Spring 2023

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Mia Feuer, Anthea Black
  • Mon 4:00-07:00PM, Hubbell - 141
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Mia Feuer, Nelson Chan
  • Thu 4:00-07:00PM, Hubbell - 141

Fall 2022

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
  • Fri 12:00-03:00PM, Hubbell - 141

Spring 2022

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Terri Friedman, James Gobel
  • Mon 4:00-07:00PM, Oakland - B Building - B1
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Sunny Smith, Alison O'Daniel
  • Tue 4:00-07:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 140
CRITI-3000-3: Interdisciplinary Critique
Clifford Rainey
  • Wed 8:00-11:00AM, San Francisco - Main Building - N9

Fall 2021

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Arthur Gonzalez, Maria Porges
  • Mon 5:00-07:00PM
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Clifford Rainey, Kari Marboe
  • Fri 11:00AM-01:00PM, Oakland - B Building - B3

Fall 2020

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Clifford Rainey, Kari Marboe
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Aspen Mays
  • Mon 12:00-03:00PM

Spring 2020

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
Terri Friedman, James Gobel
  • Fri 12:00-03:00PM, Oakland - Shaklee - 1A
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Deborah Valoma, Susanne Cockrell
  • Mon 12:00-03:00PM, Oakland - B Building - B3

Fall 2019

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Interdisciplinary Critique
David Huffman, Brian Conley
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM, Oakland - B Building - B3
CRITI-3000-2: Interdisciplinary Critique
Keith Thomas, Ranu Mukherjee
  • Mon 4:00-07:00PM, San Francisco - Grad Center - GC5

Summer 2019

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-3000-1: Exhibition Brooklyn
Christina Linden
  • Every Day 9:00AM-05:00PM

Spring 2019

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-300-01: Interdisciplinary Critique
Terri Friedman, Christine Wang
  • Fri 12:00-03:00PM, Shaklee - 1A
CRITI-300-02: Interdisciplinary Critique
Keith Thomas, Aspen Mays
  • Thu 4:00-07:00PM, Martinez - 5
CRITI-300-03: Interdisciplinary Critique
Christine Wang
  • Fri 12:00-03:00PM, Martinez - 6

Fall 2018

Section Name Meeting Info
CRITI-300-01: Interdisciplinary Critique
Mark Thompson
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM, B Building - B5
CRITI-300-02: Interdisciplinary Critique
Shaun O'Dell, Meg Bisineer
  • Mon 4:00-07:00PM, Textiles - 3: Seminar
CRITI-300-03: Interdisciplinary Critique
Arthur Gonzalez, Anthea Black
  • Wed 4:00-07:00PM, Martinez - 5