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FASHN-4160: Fashion Design 5: Advanced

Course Description

Fashion Design 5 studio requires the senior level fashion design students to investigate process and inspiration while designing their senior capstone collections. Seniors work in the studios under guidance and instruction individually and are instrumental in offering feedback on fellow designers work, thus replicating professional design practice. Required course outcome is the presentation to a faculty panel of prototype garments and illustrations representing their ideal collection for potential runway presentation. Final course jurying includes a final edit for the designs to be constructed in Fashion Studio 5. Prerequisite: Fashion Studio 4.

In subject:

Academic Level:


Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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Fall 2025

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh
  • Thu 9:00AM-02:30PM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio)

Fall 2024

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Lynda Grose
  • Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio)

Fall 2023

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Lynda Grose
  • Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio)
FASHN-4160-2: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh
  • Wed 4:00-10:00PM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio)

Fall 2022

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Lynda Grose
  • Tue 8:00-11:00AM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio 1)
  • Tue 12:00-03:00PM, 80 Carolina - 140 (Fashion Studio 1)

Fall 2021

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh, Gregory Climer
  • Meeting Time TBD
  • Tue 11:00AM-01:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 110
  • Tue 2:00-04:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 110
FASHN-4160-2: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh, Gregory Climer
  • Thu 2:00-04:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 110
  • Thu 5:00-07:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 110

Fall 2020

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-2: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Gregory Climer
  • Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM

Fall 2019

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-4160-1: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh
  • Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 120
FASHN-4160-2: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Gregory Climer
  • Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - 110

Fall 2018

Section Name Meeting Info
FASHN-416-01: Fashion Design 5: Advanced
Ghazaleh Khalifeh
  • Mon 9:00AM-03:00PM, Main Building - 120