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FASHN-3200-2: Investigative Studio: Biodesign

Spring 2022

Subject: Fashion Design
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 18, 2022 — May 08, 2022
Meetings: Tue/Fri 8:00-11:00AM, San Francisco - Grad Center - GC2
Instructor: Michael Bogan

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 9/12


Course Description:
Explores material, structure, weight, movement; the relationship between form and function; traditional and nontraditional materials and method; relevance of historical and current context. Any and all art, design, aesthetic work and theory is both reference and source. Projects are the means to refine individual expression and to practice conceptual and critical thought.Section Description:This course examines a new creative domain, the intersection of design, fashion and biology. In the first part of the course you will explore the pattern-generating mechanisms that create much of what is commonly referred to as natural beauty. You will take a deep dive into these patterns, and come to understand them by playing with them, varying them, and adapting them. You will even use some of the very mechanisms life itself uses to make your own patterns. 
In the second part of the course you will use living organisms to create novel patterns and textiles. You will work with these organisms to create something never before seen. These bio-patterns will then be deployed to create a form, textile or garment. The mode of deployment will be based on the mode of life of the organisms you have collaborated with.Having built your skills, in the third part of the course you will set off on an independent path to create a unique piece that is evolved from living constituents, with an innovative work of design/fashion created with life itself. The course culminates with projects being submitted to the CCA Fashion BioDesign Challenge 2022.  (Previous winners hailed from various different departments: Camila Wandemberg, Individualized; and Giovanna Spilman, Industrial Design.)  See link for more details:

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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