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FINAR-6040-1: Fine Arts Seminar: Professional Practices

Spring 2023

Subject: Graduate Fine Arts
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 17, 2023 — May 07, 2023
Meetings: Fri 4:00-07:00PM, Hooper GC - GC1
Instructor: Christine Wang

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 11/12 Closed


This seminar will focus on professional practice. Seminars, readings, guest lectures and studio visits will serve as guideposts for common questions that students have. Questions related to exhibitions; How do I do a studio visit? How do I get a gallery? How do I know if a gallery is good? How do I work with a non-profit institution? How do I work outside the gallery system? Questions related to money include: how do I price work, how do I write an invoice, how do I make a consignment form? How do I ship work? How do I budget? How do I get an artist assistant job? How do I make a living as an artist? How do I do my taxes (including filing a schedule c for expenses and "write offs."? How do I meet with and talk to collectors? Questions related to other artists include: How do I build community? How do I leverage the CCA career center? How do I negotiate a commercial lease? How do I build out studio spaces? How do I run an artist space? How do I run a gallery? Questions related to sustainability include: How do I deal with feelings of envy or jealousy? How do I prevent burnout? How do I keep making art? Other questions might be; Which residencies should I apply to? How do I write a grant? How do I format a CV? How do I apply for a teaching job? How do I document and archive work? What is the best inventory management software? How do I mint a NFT? These are common questions. Don’t worry! Readings, practical homework, open and clear in-class discussions will help students get some answers.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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