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GRAPH-3680-5: Adv Studio: Product Brand Building

Spring 2022

Subject: Graphic Design
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 18, 2022 — May 08, 2022
Meetings: Mon/Thu 7:15-10:15PM, San Francisco - Main Building - S14
Instructor: Suzanne Redding

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 5/6 Closed


Advanced Design Studios support the complex and expanding role of today's Graphic Designer. These studios provide deep exploration within a specific arena to help students further define their own methodologies. Courses are proposed by faculty and cover 2D, 3D, and 4D categories. Studio options may vary from semester to semesterCourse Section Details:Creating a brand is more than just design, it's about innovation, concept, color, packaging, social media, point- of-purchase, store design, promotion and more. In this class we will learn about creating a brand and what it takes to bring a product to market and why products succeed and why they fail. You will be involved in every aspect of creating a brand you designed from start to finish. In this class, you will create an idea for a brand, design the 'unboxing' experience, plan and execute a "brand book" where you will identify all the visual opportunities needed to take your product to market. An emphasis on concept, design, color, type, imagery, patterns, social media, packaging, store presence and everything needed to launch brand experience. Because you will be designing a bottle or container for your products, it's suggested you know a CAD program such as Fusion 360, SolidWorks, or Rhino. (For those who do not have CAD experience, we will teach you basic Fusion 360)

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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