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HAAVC-2000-8: History of Photography

Fall 2021

Subject: History of Art and Visual Culture
Type: Lecture
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: September 01, 2021 — December 14, 2021
Meetings: Wed 2:00-04:00PM, Online - FA-10
Instructor: Jordan Reznick

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 8/8 Waitlist


HAAVC 2000 courses develop students' visual analysis skills while providing the opportunity for in-depth study of the visual/structural artifacts associated with a particular topic, region, or movement. Students will also engage with the relevant primary/secondary literature for the topic at hand. Courses will pay particular attention to the larger cultural, historical, and theoretical/ideological contexts in which the visual artifacts and structures under consideration were created.Course DescriptionThis course explores the development of photography from pre-1839 to 1980, with examples drawn from contemporary practice as relevant. Our two guiding questions will be (1) what is photography? and (2) what have people believed about photographs through time? We will thus trace the history of the medium both within the context of visual studies and in relation to its social applications. Our approach will be thematic rather than solely chronological, with the goal of expanding the canon in terms of makers and geography. Specifically, the course content will be organized into five units that map onto major trends in contemporary photographic practice: (1) alternative processes and materiality, (2) eco- or environmental photography, (3) identity- based practice, (4) documentary and photojournalism, and (5) photography in the expanded field.Online course sections will be delivered with both asynchronous and synchronous components that will be outlined in the course syllabus. All synchronous activities will occur during the times listed on the course schedule.

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