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ILLUS-2121-1: Tools: Comics

Fall 2025

Subject: Illustration
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 02, 2025 — December 15, 2025
Meetings: Wed 12:15-05:45PM, Main Bldg - N19
Instructor: Edward Luce

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 0/14


This course will explore each phase of comic arts development and creation, in the form of three short-length projects. The first project will ask you to create a one page, four panel self-portrait comic, using the basic mechanics of sequential narrative design. The second will ask you to adapt a pre-existing "text" into a four page comic. The final project will ask you to write and illustrate your own original story, in the same four page format. Each project will feature a cycle of smaller assignments that focus on the following parts of comics creation: research, brainstorming, scriptwriting, character/concept design, thumbnails, pencils, inks, lettering and finally, colors/gray tones.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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