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INDIV-4000-2: Senior Project

Fall 2023

Subject: Individualized
Type: Thesis
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: August 30, 2023 — December 12, 2023
Meetings: Wed 12:00-06:00PM, Main Bldg - A2 (Jewelry Metal Arts Bench Room)
Instructor: Olivia Shih

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 2/15 Closed


This class is for Individualized majors only and should be taken while the student is working on their thesis exhibition. The Individualized Senior Projects class concentrates on the transition to professional practice with an emphasis on resume and proposal writing and requires students to apply to three professional venues of their choice; residencies, graduate programs, jobs, etc. Students will develop their thesis proposal, into a Senior Thesis Project/exhibition with faculty input and will be asked to document and give a public presentation of their work to the Individualized Program. Students are expected to participate in and lead class discussions on relevant topics to the class.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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