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INDUS-2320-3: IS: MetaCAD Design

Spring 2023

Subject: Industrial Design
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 17, 2023 — May 07, 2023
Meetings: Thu 9:00AM-03:00PM, Main Bldg - Lab A
Instructor: Brian Gulassa

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 9/9 Closed


*3D CAD design for creative makers of all kinds*Learn the best software for crafty people who want to make physical stuff.  This will be a great class accessible to most majors;  product design, furniture, sculpture, glass, ceramics, IXD, illustrators, graphics, jewelry…There are plenty of CAD programs out there that generally fall into two different camps; soul sucking engineering CAD or sculptural CAD for making virtual designs that only exist in the digital world. If you’re a creative person who wants to actually easily make things that are real, this class will teach you the best workflow proven by years of (your faculty's) experience.We will be using Fusion 360 and working in virtual reality using Gravity Sketch along with some touch of Photoshop and Illustrator. We will also take advantage of CCA shops and tools, like 3-D printing, laser cutting and possibly the 3d milling machine. This class will lead you through a series of fun exercises to create 3-D toys, home products, sculptures etc. While there are no specific prerequisites it would be great if you were able to draw and know your way around the computer.Brian Gulassa is an Industrial Designer focusing on toys, robots and consumer products.He has been teaching at CCA for over 30 years, industrial design, illustration, toy design, and drawing classes.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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