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INDUS-398-03: Professional Practice

Fall 2018

Subject: Industrial Design
Type: Internship
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 06, 2018 — December 13, 2018
Meetings: Thu 9:00-11:00AM, Main Building - W2
Instructor: Sandrine Lebas

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 14/15


With Junior reviews as a mandatory milestone (end of Junior Fall semester), students will draft an early career path, collect and reflect on their "body of work" and develop professional tools such as portfolio, resume and potentially website. Investigating their upcoming summer internship, they will work in small groups to practice interviews, research internship positions, network and investigate appropriate channels as well as define their professional preferences and personality. Students will work with a graphic design instructor for the first half of the course and an ID instructor and career team member for the second portion of the fall semester. Students will meet periodically in the spring semester with their internship coordinator and will receive a final grade when the internship is completed over the summer between Junior and Senior year. Skills introduced: Graphic Design, presentation layout and typography, product photography, resume and cover letter writing, interview protocols. This course must be taken in conjunction with ID3.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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