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IXDSN-3500-11: Interaction Des Interdisciplinary Studio

Spring 2021

Subject: Interaction Design
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Mon/Thu 8:00-08:55PM, Online - DE-4
Instructor: Johannes Seemann

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 8/12 Closed


Data is the medium, lifeblood of digital platforms, and powering most interactions in our data-driven world. The Designing with Data Studio is exploring the intersection of data and design to understand how interaction designers are needed and where they can have an impact. This includes the ethics surrounding the benefits of open data and the challenges of data privacy in our times. The studio has two parts. The first is setting data fluency foundations on how to describe, predict, and prescript through data types, measurement, visualization, and statistics. The second half are team-based projects that will center around one topic. The projects will have a design review and will be posted online at the designing with data portal <>. The studio will use data visualization as a method but doesn’t have it as its focus. As the studio’s intent is to equip designers to create with data, work well with data scientists, and influence business decision-makers.Priority registration for this section is reserved for seniors and juniors in the undergraduate IxD program; on November 23, additional seats will be made available to students in other majors and degree programs.If you are a non-major / graduate student interested in this section/class, please email IxD program manager There's a strong likelihood you will be able to register!

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