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SSHIS-2000-5: Heroes + Villains

Fall 2020

Subject: Social Science and History
Type: Seminar
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: September 02, 2020 — December 15, 2020
Meetings: Tue 12:00-03:00PM
Instructor: Amy Sims

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 16/18


Social Science and History (SSHIS) courses develop students' critical thinking skills through the study of history and the social sciences (e.g. sociology, psychology, economics, political science, anthropology, geography), as well as through contemporary interdisciplines that draw heavily on these fields (e.g. feminist and queer studies, media studies, urban studies, ethnic studies). Subject matter in these courses contributes to students' cultural literacy while instructional materials and classroom assignments introduce basic research problems and techniques.What is a hero? Are heroes still necessary or even possible in contemporary cultures? Why are villains so prevalent? Real life heroes and villains have played a crucial role in the history of nations and civilizations from ancient to contemporary times. Often honored by society but sometimes feared or disdained, heroes (male and female) reflect and shape standards of excellence, provide inspiration, overcome adversity, pursue ideals, lead, and challenge. Villains can question convention and test ideals, and lead and challenge as well. Both heroes and villains can problematize cultural values by pushing boundaries, transgressing, and transcending them. What do the real life heroes and villains of a particular age and place say about that time period and culture? How is a hero different from a leader or role model? Does every age get the heroes it deserves? What qualities or deeds qualify a person for hero status? Have the characteristics of heroes changed over time? Why are villains so transfixing? Is it possible to be simultaneously a hero and a villain? In this course we will study recognized political, intellectual, creative, and social heroes from diverse cultures and historical time periods, select villains, and theories of heroism.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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