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Why does voting matter?

Last updated on Aug 22, 2024

This CCA@CCA Teaching Module offers materials and activities that help combat student skepticism about the power of voting. It was expanded and adapted for CCA students from a Periclean Voting Module.

The CCA Voting Coalition's "Why Voting Matters" presentation deck emphasizes the power of the youth vote to swing important elections and help combat the effects of voter suppression. The deck can be used independently, or paired with the activities below.

View the "Why Voting Matters" presentation deck

Learn About the History of Voting Rights in the US

Engage in a Class Discussion


Write your thoughts on sticky notes and stick them on the classroom wall.

  • How do the policies that elected officials develop impact you as a potential creative professional?
  • What political or social issues do you care about? Are they on the ballot this year?
  • Why might someone take voting for granted? Or choose not to vote?
  • How much do you agree with the following statement? “Being concerned with national, state, and local issues is an important responsibility for everybody.”
  • Why is voting important to you? To the campus community? To the state? To the nation? Why is it important globally?

Debrief in small groups or as a class.

  • Did any comments surprise or resonate with anyone?
  • Select a few responses to read and discuss with the class, or have students volunteer their own thoughts about why voting is important.
  • Discuss the relationship between being a voter and the content you teach in class.

Register to Vote or Research Your Ballot as a Class

Students are more likely to research their ballots if they do it as a group or as part of an assignment. Here are helpful resources you can share with your students to help them prepare to vote:

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Integrate Voting Information into Your Course Materials

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Additional resources for CCA faculty:

For further exploration

The "Why Voting Matters" presentation deck draws on the following articles: