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South Korea 2023 Student Work

South Korea 2025

Last updated on Feb 28, 2025

Communication & Translation: Design in Seoul

Faculty: Sara Raffo & Guest Faculty Chris Hamamoto

Program Orientation: May 27, 2025

Before traveling abroad, the class will hold a required online orientation.

Program in South Korea: June 7- 27, 2025

  • Housing Check-In: June 7
  • Housing Check-Out: June 27

All eligible students must complete the Study Abroad Student Interest Form

Upcoming Info Sessions:

Thursday, February 20, 3:15-3:45pm, Main Building, N15/17 (Graphic Design Studio)

Special Event:

Lecture by Korean artist Moonsick Gang, Wednesday, February 12th, 3pm, Main Bldg, Room W5.

All students are welcome and Sara Raffo will hold an informal Seoul info session after the lecture for interested students.

Program Description

Open to undergraduate and graduate students

This course is an immersive design experience introducing students to the vibrant and ascendent design culture of Seoul, South Korea, and the uniquely ahistorical work being produced there today. While quickly becoming one of the technology, fashion, and entertainment capitals of the world, Seoul also supports an experimental local design scene, one informed by the global exchange of ideas resulting from Korean designers going abroad and filtering Dutch, American, and Japanese design influences into their own sui generis approach to design. Students take intensive workshops with local practitioners, conduct design studio visits, and explore numerous sites to gain intimate access and insights into the unique culture of Korean design.

During their stay, students also become familiar with broader contemporary and traditional Korean culture and language by visiting the Paju Typographic Institute, an experimental school set in Paju Book City; visiting contemporary sites like National Hangul Museum, The Book Society, Index, Your Mind, and Post Poetics; eating ‘temple food’; and viewing centuries-old architecture at the Bukchon Hanok Village.

The workshops and individual instruction are a pivotal aspect of the course. Each student participates in several workshops, led by innovative Korean designers with expansive practices including graphic, interaction, exhibition design, and more.

Studio visits may include:

Hezin O, Datz Press, Yejin Cho, After New Order, STUDIO–TRIANGLE, Paper Press, Sulki and Min, Jude Kang, Shin Shin, Corners, Ordinary People, Chris Ro, James Chae, Kelly Moonkyung Choi, Youl Joe, Yehwan Song, Kyuha Shim, Min Guhong, Rojo Type, and PRESS ROOM.

Faculty Sara Raffo specializes in civic design, data visualization, and interaction design. In addition to teaching, Sara partners with local governments, community planners, and designers who create inclusive, human-centered environments all around the United States. A longtime supporter of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, she has developed and led national STEM conferences and conducted grant-funded studies that champion the integration of art and design thinking. Learn more about Sara Raffo »

Guest Faculty Chris Hamamoto has exhibited, taught, and lectured in South Korea. Visiting on several occasions for research and to teach at Seoul National University – he has actively pursued, and is maintaining, cross-cultural collaborations with Korean designers focused on understanding and introducing contemporary and historic Korean Graphic Design to new audiences while promoting cultural exchange.

Students with umbrellas
Bukchon Hanok Village


  • Undergraduate: Successful completion of at least sophomore level by summer 2025 and instructor approval.
  • For Graphic Design Advanced Studio Elective credit: Graphic Design 3 (GRAPH-3000) and Typography 3 (GRAPH-3040)
  • Graduate: MFA Design major and instructor approval.

In addition, all students must be in good academic, conduct, and financial standing for the 2024-2025 academic year. Students who are on probation in fall 2024 are not eligible to enroll in a 2025 summer study-abroad program.

Course Satisfies

  • Undergraduate students: this course satisfies a Graphic Design Advanced Studio Elective (GRAPH 3680), Upper Division Interdisciplinary Studio (UDIST 3000), Critical Ethnic Studies credit (ETHST 2000/3000), or a studio elective.
  • Graduate students: this course satisfies a Grad-wide Elective (GELCT 6200) and Graduate Design Elective (DESGN 6700).

Program Fee
Tuition $8,000
+ $50 summer registration fee

Included in program fee:

  • 3 credits, housing, welcome and farewell dinners, local transportation, guest artists, field trips, entrance fees, and secondary travel/health insurance.

Not included in program fee:

  • Airfare to and from Seoul, South Korea, ground transportation to and from the Korean airport, most meals, and primary travel/health insurance.


Please read the Summer Study Abroad Registration & Related Information in its entirety.

Email with any questions.