Hybrid Lab
Making with innovative technology
M: 9a - 10p
Tu: 9a - 10p
W: 9a - 10p
Th: 9a - 10p
F: 10a - 7p
Sa: 10a - 6p
Su: 10p - 6p
Hybrid Lab
Double Ground (145 Hooper St)
Rm. D104
Walk-ins welcome to work on small electronics and to use the electronics checkout center.
About the Hybrid Lab
CCA's Hybrid Lab is a shared interdisciplinary space for making with innovative technology that is built around the principles of being open, fast, and inspiring. Students have access to sensors, motors, and other digital fabrication materials.
- INVENTORY - Check-Out Items
- INVENTORY - Consumables
- Scratch - block based visual programming
- Makecode
- P5js
- CircuitPython Bootloaders (including Circuit Playground Express)
- Circuit Playground Express Tutorials and Code
- How to Format Audio for Circuit Playground Express
- Circuit Playground Express Repo Library
- Add 3rd Party Boards to Arduino
- Clean Up Heart Rate Sensor Input
- Processing Communication
- Running a DC or Haptic motor Directly from circuit playground
- Bluefruit
- Arduino Coding: Combining Codes and Troubleshooting
- Soldering Tutorial
- P5 Introduction
- Vibration and DC Motor Workshop
- Pseudocode Workshop
- Intro to Schematics and Electronic Components
- Intro to Unity : Materials and Video Textures
- How to add Adafruit Boards
- Othermill Instruction Video
- Using the SoundBoard Workshop Slides
- Leap Motion Workshop Slides
- Matrix & Bar Display Workshop Slides
- MKR1000 Data to Google Sheets
- Connecting Microcontroller to HTML Page
- Integrating Processing with Arduino Workshop Slides
- Distance and Motion Sensor Workshop
- Capacitive Touch Workshop Slides
- Basics of Programming in Python 2 Workshop Slides
- Basics of Programming in Python 1 Workshop Slides
- Servo Workshop Slides
- Neo Pixel Workshop Slides
- UNTZtrument: a Trellis MIDI Instrument
- NeoPix Arcade Kit
- Hack: N3rfgun
Faculty using the lab for classes must review the Hybrid Lab Faculty Support Document
- Hybrid Lab Orientation: Watch this 3 min video on the lab
- Soldering: Drop in and follow along with a 10 min Hybrid Lab Soldering Tutorial
- CARVEY (3D carving machine): email romy@cca.edu to schedule a training
- Othermill (milling circuit boards): email romy@cca.edu to schedule a training
- Arduino, Sensors, LEDs Tutorials and Examples: Posters with QR codes to great step-by-step tutorials are posted in the lab along with a physical example of how to make it. Anyone can stop by and learn on their own. We supply the materials!