Adjunct Promotion Process
On this page you'll find details and instructions related to the processes for promotion to Adjunct II and Senior Adjunct.
Promotion to Adjunct II
General Instructions
Upon successful completion of teaching five courses as an Adjunct I at CCA, the College will notify the Adjunct I of the date within 30 days after completion of the qualifying semester or course that the Adjunct I must submit to the Provost an application for promotion to Adjunct II.
This application must be submitted by the deadline set in your eligibility and application notification. If you are unsure of the deadline for your materials, please contact Em Meine ( to confirm.
Your submission, in addition to your course evaluations, syllabi, and a letter from your program chair will be reviewed by your divisional dean and the Provost.
Submitting your application
Please read all instructions thoroughly and carefully. If you have any questions regarding this application, your materials, or the promotion review process, please reach out to your program chair or to Em Meine (, Senior Director of Faculty Affairs and Records.
We suggest creating a document where you draft your candidate statement and then copy and paste it into the application form so that you are abe to revise drafts and return to it without worrying about it being lost if the form reloads, etc.
Period of review
The "period of review" is the period from which the dean and provost will be assessing materials. For promotion to Adjunct II, they will assess teaching completed while you were at the rank of Adjunct I at CCA only.
Timeline and Process
Once you submit your application, it will be shared with your program chair who will review all materials (those you submit and those compiled on your behalf), and they will write a letter of recommendation regarding your promotion. This letter will be added to your promotion file. Chairs write letters for multiple faculty each semester, and have deadlines staggered over the course of the full semester for submitting these to Faculty Affairs. After the chair has submitted their feedback, the file is shared with the dean for review. The dean then makes a recommendation regarding the promotion to the provost. The provost reads and assesses the file and recommendations, and makes an outcome decision. The decision is then processed by the Faculty Affairs office in Workday, where you will receive the outcome as well as a copy of the feedback and recommendation provided by your program chair.
Because this is a multi-step process with many participants, it takes time to complete. So while your application may have been submitted at the beginning of the semester, it will still need to go through three reviews, and have a letter of recommendation written and included by your chair. While your review is being conducted, you remain eligible to teach. The effective date of your promotion and raise will be back-dated to the semester stated in your eligibility notification, regardless of when the review process is completed.
Application Components
You will be required to provide the following as part of your application:
- Teaching Philosophy
The following materials will be compiled on your behalf:
- Course Evaluations
- Syllabi
- Chair Recommendation
Teaching Philosophy
The statement of teaching philosophy must include a reflection on your pedagogy, and how your professional practice informs your teaching (CBA Article 15. C.). You will submit your statement via the promotion application Google form.
Suggested length: ~600 - 1000 words or 1-2 pages
Promotion to Senior Adjunct
General Instructions
Upon successful completion of teaching ten courses as an Adjunct II at CCA or twelve total semesters at CCA, the College will notify the Adjunct II of the date within 30 days after completion of the qualifying semester or course that the Adjunct II must submit to the Provost an application for promotion to Senior Adjunct.
This application must be submitted by the deadline set in your eligibility and application notification. If you are unsure of the deadline for your materials, please contact Em Meine ( to confirm.
Your submission, in addition to your course evaluations, syllabi, and a letter from your program chair will be reviewed by the Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) committee and the Provost. If you wish to have additional letters of support from program chairs (other than the chair of your program of locus) included with your materials, please contact Emma Goodacre ( with the names of the additional chair(s) so we may request the letter on your behalf.
Submitting your application
Please read all instructions thoroughly and carefully. If you have any questions regarding this application, your materials, or the promotion review process, please reach out to your program chair or to Em Meine (, Senior Director of Faculty Affairs and Records.
We suggest creating a document where you draft your candidate statement and then copy and paste it into the application form so that you are abe to revise drafts and return to it without worrying about it being lost if the form reloads, etc.
Period of review
The "period of review" is the period from which APT and the provost will be assessing materials. For promotion to senior adjunct, they will assess teaching and professional work completed while you were at the rank of Adjunct II at CCA. If you were initially hired as an Adjunct II, this means that they will assess your performance since your hire. If you were hired as an Adjunct I and later promoted to Adjunct II, they will assess performance since your last promotion took effect.
Timeline and Process
Once you submit your application, it will be shared with your program chair who will review all materials (those you submit and those compiled on your behalf), and they will write a letter of recommendation regarding your promotion. This letter will be added to your promotion file. Chairs write letters for multiple faculty each semester, and have deadlines staggered over the course of the full semester for submitting these to Faculty Affairs. After the chair has submitted their feedback, the file is shared with the APT committee for review.
Once APT reviews your file, members submit notes, the APT chair drafts minutes, and those minutes are brought back to the full committee for approval. Approved minutes are then added to your file along with APT's promotion recommendation, and all materials are then sent to the provost for review. The provost reads and assesses the file and recommendation, and drafts an outcome letter. Those letters are then given to the Faculty Affairs office, who processes both the promotions and related outcome letters in Workday, where they again go through a series of back end approvals before notifications reach you, the applicant.
Because this is a multi-step process with many participants, it takes time to complete. It is important to remember that the APT committee reviews eight to ten files per meeting, and is often reviewing 80+ files per year. So while your application may have been ready for review at the beginning of the semester, it may not be scheduled for review until the last meeting of the semester based on the committee's workload. While your review is being conducted, you remain eligible to teach. The effective date of your promotion and raise will be back-dated to the semester stated in your eligibility notification, regardless of when the review process is completed.
Application Components
You will be required to provide the following as part of your application:
- Candidate Statement
- Professional Samples
- Professional Sample List
- CV
- Portal profile link
The following materials will be compiled on your behalf:
- Course Evaluations
- Syllabi
- Chair Recommendation
Candidate Statement
This statement should provide a thoughtful, thorough, and comprehensive assessment of your performance in the areas of evaluation defined below.
Suggested word limit: 200 words
Teaching Effectiveness/Student Evaluations
When describing your teaching effectiveness, please summarize, evaluate, and contextualize your student evaluations, including recurring negative comments, in light of your overall teaching performance as well as the specific goals and challenges of your curricular program. Describe any work you have done to improve your teaching effectiveness and evaluate the outcome of these efforts. Your student evaluations will be thoroughly reviewed. Please refrain from abundant quoting from student evaluations.
Suggested word limit: 500 words
Professional Practice/Achievement
When describing your professional activity, please evaluate and contextualize your professional practice in light of your field(s) of expertise as well as the standard measures of achievement in the field(s).
If your professional work requires any additional contextualization in relation to your field, please include that here.
Suggested word limit: 500 words
Suggested word limit: 200 words
Please MAKE A COPY of the candidate statement template and complete each section. Name your template "LAST NAME statement" (e.g. Smith statement.pdf) and export it as a PDF to include with your application.
Professional Samples
For your application, you are required to upload up to 20 samples of professional work completed since you were last promoted to Adjunct II, or since you were hired, if initially hired at that rank.
NOTE: If submitting samples of writing (authored or co-authored books, entry or essay in a large book, peer-reviewed journal entry, other publication, etc.), each individual sample should include one of the following:
-submission of full length articles and essays with abstract in PDF format;
-submission of book with abstract in PDF format; OR
-submission of book excerpts including abstract, table of contents, intro chapter, and sample chapter(s) in PDF format
All files must be 1GB or smaller.
Please name your files so that they are numbered from 01 through 20, then your name in last/first order, followed by any file-specific name.
For example - if you are uploading 3 files, which you've titled "bookexcerpt.pdf," "shortessay.pdf," and "exhibitiontext.pdf" that you would like to be viewed in that order, please RETITLE THEM PRIOR TO UPLOADING AS FOLLOWS:
01 Doe Jane bookexcerpt.pdf
02 Doe Jane shortessay.pdf
03 Doe Jane exhibitiontext.pdf
It is strongly recommended that you submit a minimum of five work samples.
If this is not feasible for your professional practice, please consult with your program chair in advance of submitting your application to discuss the best materials to include.