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Promotion Review Process

Last updated on Jun 11, 2024

All faculty are reviewed within their programs on a regular basis. Once faculty reach eligibility for promotion review, they will be contacted by Academic Affairs.

Once notified, they must provide supporting documentation to enable their review by the Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure committee (APT). APT makes a recommendation to the provost regarding the change of status, promotion and/or renewal of faculty.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact your program chair.

Promotion Review FAQ

Ranked Faculty Promotion

The college endeavors to abide by the following time frame for ranked faculty promotions:

  1. Academic Affairs will send ranked faculty written notification of their promotion eligibility with instructions and deadlines for file submission, typically in March or April.
  2. Files are due at the end of August.
  3. The review may happen at any time during the academic year.
  4. Faculty will be notified of results as soon as possible (no later than the end of the academic year).

Any monetary results of promotion will be reflected in the following year’s contract.

Promotion to Rank or Tenure

Faculty files for consideration must contain:

  • An updated CV
  • An updated Faculty Record Report
  • Examples of professional work completed in the last three years.
  • A statement by the candidate that complements, supplements, or contextualizes information contained in the candidate's file regarding activity in the last three years in the following categories, specifically:
    • teaching: self-evaluation and student evaluation
    • professional achievement
    • service to the college and the external community

See information on the evaluation of performance for each of the three categories. Letters of evaluation from the relevant chair(s) and dean(s) are required and will be solicited by Academic Affairs.

Tenure and Full Professor Reviews - Additional Requirements

Candidates are required to submit to Academic Affairs the names and contact information (mailing address, phone number, email address) and short bios of six external reviewers.

Candidates may also name up to two professional colleagues whom they do not wish be approached for reviews. The dean will review this roster of potential recommenders and may provide additional or alternative names. Academic Affairs will then solicit external letters of review from this pool of professionals.

External reviewers should be in or closely aligned with the field or discipline of the candidate. They should have the necessary professional credentials to provide an authoritative assessment of the quality of the candidate’s work and be able to relate it to that of other colleagues in their field at a similar career juncture.

Reviewers should be at or above the rank to which the candidate is seeking promotion and should hold positions at academic or comparable professional institutions or organizations.

Reviewers should not be selected if they are unable to provide an objective assessment or have an overly close tie to the candidate (e.g., as recent mentors, instructors, supervisors, or close collaborators).

Candidates may additionally request a maximum of three letters from CCA faculty or staff, or both, who are outside the review process. Typically these letters can provide a unique vantage or emphasis on aspects of the candidates’ qualifications for tenure. These letters are optional.

If the candidate participates in any collegewide activities not overseen by their chair or dean, a letter from the faculty/staff member responsible for this activity is recommended (e.g., First Year, Enrollment Management, Advising, tutoring).

Candidates wishing to include these letters must provide a list of the references to Academic Affairs along with their application materials. All reference letters will be solicited by Academic Affairs directly. Letters submitted via the candidate will not be considered.

All candidates are required to make a presentation to the Initial Review Committee addressing the criteria for tenure review or promotion to rank, or both. This will take the form of a 30 minute presentation followed by 30-45 minutes of discussion with the IRC.

A representative from the Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure committee (APT) will also be present during the IRC presentation and discussion.

Pretenure Review

Faculty files for consideration must contain:

  • An updated CV
  • An updated Faculty Record Report
  • Examples of professional work completed in the last three years.
  • A statement by the candidate that complements, supplements, or contextualizes information contained in the candidate's file regarding activity in the last three years in the following categories, specifically:
    • teaching: self-evaluation and student evaluation
    • professional achievement
    • service to the college and the external community

See information on the evaluation of performance for each of the three categories.

Letters of evaluation from the relevant chair(s) or dean(s) are required and will be solicited by Academic Affairs.

Candidates may additionally solicit a maximum of three letters from CCA faculty or staff, or both, who are outside the review process.

If the candidate participates in any collegewide activities not overseen by the candidate's chair or dean, a letter from the faculty/staff member responsible for this activity is recommended (e.g., First Year, Enrollment Management, Advising, tutoring).

Candidates wishing to include these letters must provide a list of the references to Academic Affairs along with their application materials. All reference letters will be solicited by Academic Affairs directly. Letters submitted via the candidate will not be considered.

All candidates are expected to meet with the Initial Review Committee to present the progress they have made toward their tenure review and to answer questions the committee may have.

This will take the form of a 30 minute presentation followed by 30-45 minutes of discussion with the IRC. A representative from the Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure committee (APT) will also be present during the IRC presentation and discussion.

Promotion Within Rank & Promotion Within Rank and Renewal of Appointment

Faculty files for consideration must contain:

  • An updated CV
  • An updated Faculty Record Report
  • Examples of professional work completed in the last three years
  • A statement by the candidate that complements, supplements, or contextualizes information contained in the candidate's file regarding activity in the last three years in the following categories, specifically:
    • teaching: self-evaluation and student evaluation
    • professional achievement
    • service to the college and the external community

See information on the evaluation of performance for each of the three categories.

A letter of evaluation from the relevant chair(s) and/or dean(s) is required and will be solicited by Academic Affairs.

If the candidate participates in any college-wide activities not overseen by their chair or program director, a letter from the faculty/staff member responsible for this activity is recommended; e.g. first year, enrollment services, advising, tutoring, etc.

Candidates wishing to include these letters must provide a list of the references to Academic Affairs along with their application materials. All reference letters will be solicited by Academic Affairs directly. Letters submitted via the candidate will not be considered.

Application Components

You will be required to compile the following materials for your application:

An updated CV

Candidate Statement

Please MAKE A COPY of the candidate statement template and complete each section. Name your template LAST NAME statement (e.g. Doe statement.pdf) . When finished with your statement, save it as a PDF and upload it below.
Your candidate statement must address three areas of evaluation:

  • Teaching effectiveness
  • Professional practice
  • Service to CCA and community service outside CCA

Your statement should include the following:

  • An introduction
  • A separate section for each of the three areas of evaluation listed above
  • Should indicate whether or not you served in a faculty leadership position (Dean, Program Chair, Associate Chair, or Assistant Chair) during the period of review
  • A conclusion

Professional Samples

Please MAKE A COPY of the professional samples list template and complete each section for the files (up to 20) that you will upload for your application. Name your list LAST NAME professional samples list (e.g. Doe professional samples list.pdf). When finished with your samples list, save it as a PDF and upload it below.

Professional samples: Please upload a maximum of 20 samples of professional work. Work should have been completed in the period under review, emphasizing the last four years. You are not required to upload 20 total files; typical submissions include 10 - 15 examples. 

NOTE: If submitting samples of writing (authored or co-authored books, entry or essay in a large book, peer-reviewed journal entry, other publication, etc.), each individual sample should include one of the following:
-submission of full length articles and essays with abstract in PDF format;-submission of book with abstract in PDF format; OR-submission of book excerpts including abstract, table of contents, intro chapter, and sample chapter(s) in PDF format

Please name your files so that they are ordered numerically, 01 through 20 (or however many files you include), followed by an underscore and your name in last/first order. 

For example - if you are uploading 3 files, which you've titled "bookexcerpt.pdf," "shortessay.pdf," and "exhibitiontext.pdf" that you would like to be viewed in that order, please RETITLE THEM PRIOR TO UPLOADING AS FOLLOWS:




Faculty Record Report

The Faculty Record Report (FRR) is an ongoing cumulative record of your activity, categorized into eight specific sheets. Starting with the 2018-19 academic year, a new FRR format was adopted. Academic Affairs has created a new FRR for you, containing information from your most recent FRR on record (if applicable). You are responsible for updating this record with any adding additional information and details from the period of review into each category, and highlighting those additions. 

Your FRR link has already been shared with you. Please contact Jonathan Monroe-Cook ( if you require the link to be resent.

Additional file components

Chair recommendation letter(s)

Academic Affairs will solicit a confidential letter on your behalf from your program chair. If you have taught consistently in multiple programs during the period of review, additional letters from the chair(s) of those programs will be requested as well. These recommendation letters will be collected directly by Academic Affairs once you have completed your application submission.

External reviewer letters (for Tenure review and Promotion to rank: Professor review only)

Academic Affairs will solicit confidential letters on your behalf from external reviewers recommended by you and approved by your dean. These letters will be collected directly by Academic Affairs once you have completed your application submission.

Initial Review Committee letters (for Pre-tenure, Tenure, and Promotion to rank: Professor reviews only)

Academic Affairs will work with your dean to create an Initial Review Committee (IRC) comprised of your CCA faculty peers and chaired by your dean. IRC meetings will then be scheduled in the late fall semester and throughout the spring semester. Your completed file will be reviewed by the committee and you will present to the committee on your designated meeting date. Following the meeting, Academic Affairs will solicit confidential letters from all committee members and the dean. These letters will be collected directly by Academic Affairs and shared with the APT committee along with your file.

Prepared on your behalf

The following resources will be provided to you, and included with your promotion review file. These materials will be shared with you via Google Drive. Academic Affairs is actively compiling these resources on your behalf, and will share a folder with you over the summer.

Course Evaluations

Student course evaluations from the period of review will be included with your materials. These will be accessible and considered along with your submitted materials by your chair, the members of your IRC committee, and the APT committee. Academic Affairs will also provide a spreadsheet summarizing your student evaluation response rate from the period of review. 

To access these in advance of receiving the Google Drive folder from Academic Affairs, please log into EvaluationKit. If you require assistance accessing your evaluations, please contact Emma Goodacre (

Course Syllabi

Corresponding syllabi from the period of review will be included along with student evaluations. These will be collected from the syllabi you have previously submitted via Vault.

Unranked Faculty Promotion

Unranked faculty eligible to apply for a promotion are notified of their eligibility by Academic Affairs.

Information on promotion eligibility, timelines, and outcomes can be found in the Collective Bargaining Agreement under Article 15. Classifications and Promotion.

Detailed information on the application and review process is available on this Portal page.