Who Do I Report To?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a federal law that prohibits harassment on the basis of sex (or gender, including sexual identity and sexual orientation) at educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Sexual misconduct is a form of illegal harassment. State law also makes sexual misconduct at colleges an illegal act.
The Title IX Coordinator is the person designated by CCA to oversee this Policy, any investigation or other proceedings that ensue under this Policy, and to whom anyone with questions about this Policy can be referred.
Below you will find contact information for the college's Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and Title IX Intake Officers, as well as Investigators.
Title IX Coordinator
Please contact Maira Lazdins at mlazdins@cca.edu for staff-related cases and any other Title IX questions/concerns.
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Please contact Jeannine Szamreta at jszamreta@cca.edu for student-related cases or Dominick Tracy at dtracy@cca.edu for faculty-related cases.
Title IX Intake Officers
In additional to the Title IX Coordinator team, the college also has trained designated Intake Officers to help assess potential cases of sexual misconduct and to support the investigation process.