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ARCHT-304-01: Architecture Studio 4

Spring 2019

Subject: Architecture
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 23, 2019 — May 10, 2019
Mon/Fri 2:00-06:00PM, Main Building - S7
Wed 3:00-07:00PM, Main Building - S7
Instructor: Janette Kim

Units: 6.0
Enrolled: 0/13 Closed


This studio focuses on housing: through the analysis of history, type and precedents, through lectures and field trips, through study of housing's influence on urban form, and through focused design investigation. Disability codes, energy regulations, exiting requirements, and constructional systems become an integral part of the student work. Cultural and social factors that affect the design and use of housing are also included. A multi-family housing project is the final project of the semester.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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