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ARCHT-5080-5: Integrated Design Studio

Spring 2021

Subject: Architecture
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Mon/Thu 4:00-06:55PM, Online - AR-12
Instructor: Peter Anderson

Units: 6.0
Enrolled: 5/16


Hybrid course sections will be delivered both online and in-person. Required online synchronous meeting times are listed as the meeting pattern for this course section. Additional course components will be delivered asynchronously or in-person as outlined in the syllabus. 

  • A student enrolled in a hybrid course can only meet the in-person requirements with physical presence.
  • The in-person component is integral to successful completion of the course. 
  • All students enrolled in the hybrid course are subject to the same in-person requirements. Students that are unable to meet the in person requirements of the course should be enrolled in an online only course.
This is a vertical studio combining students in their fourth and fifth year of the BArch program with students from the architecture graduate programs. The studio focuses on the integration and development of building systems with the spatial, theoretical, and contextual ideas of architecture, inviting innovation within its practice. Work focuses around a rigorous semester-long team project that includes development of environmental systems, structural systems, and details for a design project.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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