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ARCHT-5400-3: BT: Mass Timber Building Technology

Spring 2021

Subject: Architecture
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Wed 9:00-10:25AM, Online - AR-7
Instructor: Peter Anderson

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 1/12 Closed


Online course sections will be delivered with both asynchronous and synchronous components as outlined in the course syllabus. Required online synchronous meeting times are listed as the meeting pattern for this course section. We are now in a period of rapid change in the way we design and construct the built environment as the world seeks better models for sustainable development. Research shows that 50% of the climate-change crisis is caused by carbon dioxide released as a result of construction, with the extensive use of high-embodied-energy concrete, steel, and aluminum among the biggest contributors. Modern timber construction is emerging as the only structural option that can radically reduce and sequester CO2, and is a renewable resource when properly harvested. Previous building code limitations on timber construction are being swept away, as advanced technology in fabrication and testing are providing new options for high strength fire-proof use of timber in larger and taller buildings. This Building Technology seminar will develop tools and resources for applying timber building systems on project types that might conventionally be built of steel or concrete. We will develop drawing , modeling and communication/presentation resources, as well as technical and conceptual skills enabling personalized design processes focused on the making of architecture, with the intent that students can immediately apply them in their current and future design projects. We will discuss timber manufacturing, construction and fabrication processes, and tools, materials and building techniques, within the context of employing these issues as creative considerations within the design process.  The course format will include both synchronous and asynchronous components, with instructor lectures, guest speaker presentations, readings and viewings, case study analyses and hands-on making. Each seminar participant will conduct a semester-long research project on a timber-construction-related topic, and will produce a final document and presentation at the end of the semester.A complementary Integrated Studio offered this semester by the same instructor will focus on mass timber construction, students are welcome to take either or both courses.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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