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ARCHT-580-01: UR: InfraTerritories

Fall 2018

Subject: Architecture
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: September 06, 2018 — December 13, 2018
Meetings: Thu 8:00-11:00AM
Instructor: Neeraj Bhatia

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 1/12


The notion of territory is increasingly difficult to define in the contemporary metropolis, as globalized networks move people, matter, and economics in complex ways that are continually being renegotiated. Simultaneously, the notion of disciplinary territory within architecture is also increasingly difficult to identify as the field's expansion now often includes urbanism, landscape, and infrastructural design. This expansion of disciplinary territory reflects the need for a larger skillset for the contemporary architect if they are to address the design of the metropolis - an organization that collectively implicates urbanism, landscape and architecture. This seminar examines the role, types, organization, and formats of infrastructure through a series of readings and design projects to formulate a new understanding of holistic design. As such, this seminar is situated in response to the design of architecture and infrastructure as solely a self-reflexive, distinct, isolated and formal preoccupation that acts on a singular site. Instead, it explores new opportunities of feedback between divergent systems and scales to project a new organization for the thing we once called 'the city'. Specifically we will look at organizational templates such as fields and networks; types such as soft and hard; and formats such as containers, conduits and surfaces.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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