DESGN-601-01: The Studio: IxD
Fall 2018
- Subject: Graduate Design
- Type: Studio
- Delivery Mode: In-Person
- Level: Graduate
- Campus: San Francisco
- Course Dates: September 05, 2018 — December 12, 2018
- Meetings:
Wed 12:00-03:00PM, Grad Center - GC4
Wed 3:00-06:00PM, Main Building - Hybrid Lab - Instructors: Cristina Gaitan, James Pierce
- Units: 6.0
- Enrolled: 6/12
This is a survey course of the field of Interaction Design. We will be covering a great deal of information over the course of the semester. It is also a studio course, meaning there is an emphasis on projects and students' creative work. These projects emphasize design process, helping students gain better understanding and control of their work. Projects build in complexity as students tackle more complex problems. Students are responsible for all aspects of the design process - concept, research, content development, and form. There are weekly readings and project assignments.
Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:
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