DESGN-6780-1: Business of Design: Start Up
Spring 2020
- Subject: Graduate Design
- Type: Workshop
- Delivery Mode: In-Person
- Level: Graduate
- Campus: San Francisco
- Course Dates: January 21, 2020 — May 08, 2020
- Meetings: Wed 4:00-07:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - E3
- Instructor: Rafi Ajl
- Units: 3.0
- Enrolled: 7/12
The Start Up introduces students to the basic theories and key practices of creating, running or contributing to the success of a business. The course explains how any business can be approached as an opportunity for creative, collaborative entrepreneurship. Specific skills you will learn include how to define an opportunity, conceptualize a product or company, evaluate risk, create a business model, develop a brand strategy and marketing plan, create a basic operating budget and pitch your idea to investors. In addition, we cover current topics in design leadership, ethics and the operation of non-profits. Our overarching goal is to provide you with a solid understanding of business principles and operating dynamics so you can are better able to contribute to, influence or even found a company
Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:
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