DESGN-6780-2: Business of Design-Hybrid Practice
Spring 2021
- Subject: Graduate Design
- Type: Workshop
- Delivery Mode: Online
- Level: Graduate
- Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
- Meetings: Tue 4:00-05:55PM
- Instructor: Luca Antonucci
- Units: 3.0
- Enrolled: 9/13
Business of Design introduces students to the basic theories and key practices of creating, running or contributing to the success of a business. The course explains how any business can be approached as an opportunity for creative, collaborative entrepreneurship. Specific skills you will learn include how to define an opportunity, conceptualize a product or company, evaluate risk, create a business model, develop a brand strategy and marketing plan, create a basic operating budget and pitch your idea to investors. In addition, we cover current topics in design leadership, ethics and the operation of non-profits. Our overarching goal is to provide you with a solid understanding of business principles and operating dynamics so you can are better able to contribute to, influence or even found a company. This course is designed to familiarize students with the skills and knowledge necessary to launch and sustain hybrid practice. A hybrid practice may include; artist residencies, teaching, curatorial practice, and freelance studio practice. Projects include grant writing and artist statements, syllabi creation, and proposal development. Topics covered include an overview of the design profession and areas of specialization to expose students to career opportunities suited to their interests and skills. The class will be a combination of lectures, project assignments and visits to Bay Area studios.
Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:
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