DIVSM-300-01: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Spring 2019
- Subject: Diversity Studies - Seminar
- Type: Lecture
- Delivery Mode: In-Person
- Level: Undergraduate
- Campus: Oakland
- Course Dates: January 24, 2019 — May 09, 2019
- Meetings: Thu 7:15-10:15PM, B Building - B3
- Instructors: Brian Karl, Noga Wizansky
- Units: 3.0
- Enrolled: 0/15
Brian Karl
Seeking multiple perspectives on one of the world's longest continuing human conflicts, this course will dig deep and search wide for both causes and consequences of an epic yet intimate war that is one of both position and of maneuvering. Drawing on history, explication and speculation through contemporary artwork, literature, both documentary and fictional films, and graphic novels, as well as scholarly analyses, the geo-political causes and outcomes of this ongoing series of encounters will be tracked through both deadly serious and startlingly humorous accounts that portray lives intensely bound up together in the immediate region of the conflict, through the surrounding region in concentric rings, and into the wider world most globally. In the process, the class will investigate questions of sovereignty, human originary tales, and how modern nations are defined, along with issues of diaspora, the social status of refugees, and the willingness of people to perpetuate extreme violence upon one another, even while living most closely side by side.
Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:
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