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ETHSM-3000-2: Asian American History

Spring 2022

Subject: Critical Ethnic Studies - Seminar
Type: Seminar
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 18, 2022 — May 08, 2022
Meetings: Tue 7:15-10:00PM, San Francisco - Grad Center - GC4
Instructor: Maxwell Leung

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 16/16 Waitlist


Critical Ethnic Studies Seminar are in-depth experiences in the study of multiculturalism and cultural diversity in American society and in societies that have impacted American society. Courses expose students to and inform students about the contributions of African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Latinos to American culture, history, and society.COURSE DESCRIPTION"This course introduces the subject of Asian American history. The course will examine the continuities as well as changes in the Asian American experience through three chronological periods: the first waves of Asian immigration (1840 to 1930), the years of exclusion and international conflict (1880-1950), and the post-1965 era of immigration and refugee settlement in the United States. The course will end with contemporary case studies to demonstrate the impact and legacies of our histories. The course will explore topics on immigration, community formation, racism and resistance, the lives of workers, the experiences of women, the impact of imperialism, the influence of global politics and economics, and the continuing struggles for equality and justice. "

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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