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FINAR-6040-3: Fine Arts Seminar: Material Biographies

Fall 2021

Subject: Graduate Fine Arts
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 01, 2021 — December 14, 2021
Meetings: Tue 5:00-07:00PM, Off Campus - Dogpatch 1
Instructors: Deborah Valoma, Angela Hennessy

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 12/12 Closed


Fine Arts Seminars are intended to broaden and clarify students' perspective on contemporary art practice. Each semester these seminars shift in focus and subject matter. Seminars may concentrate on art from the perspectives of art history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and so forth, or may take the form of a discipline-based critique focusing on the history, theory, and practice of painting, sculpture, and photography, among others.--------------Every material has a voice. Every material remembers. What is the story of salt? What is the language of linen? What is the sound of stone? What is heard in the flow of water? Materials speak to us through poetic metaphors, sensory experiences, and elemental forces. How can we, as creative practitioners in the contemporary art world, align ourselves with metaphysical dimensions of our materials? What are the narratives of labor and production, of problematic ethics and ecological impacts that are embedded within a particular substance? Through readings, writing, research, discussion, and experimental gestures, we unearth identity and agency in our materials.

Hybrid course sections will be delivered both online and in-person. Required online synchronous meeting times are listed as the meeting pattern for this course section. Additional course components will be delivered asynchronously or in-person as outlined in the syllabus.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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