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FYCST-1040-1: 2D Studio: Mission Murals (Hybrid)

Spring 2021

Subject: First Year Core Studio (FYCST)
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Mon 10:00-11:55AM
Instructor: Sydney Cohen

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 14/16


In 2D Studio: Mission Murals (Hybrid) students investigate how we communicate and form a visual voice through the study of color and form by examining the visual culture of the neighborhoods near CCA’s San Francisco campus. Changes in point of view, interpretation of images, diverse cultural contributions and visual vocabulary are discussed. Two-dimensional formal properties such as composition, figure/ground, value organization, grouping principles, and rhythm and pattern will be covered. These courses engage in methods other than drawing and will cover cutting, measuring, adhesives, thumbnail sketching, digital literacy, and presentation. Students can focus on the two-dimensional plane through color mixing, the relation of text to images, or the processes and materials that develop the surface.  2D Studio courses help students establish a practice that builds professional time management skills, while encouraging students to add depth to their work through developmental assignments, design methods, research, writing and versioning. Lectures and demonstrations for this hybrid 2D Studio course will be delivered online. Required online synchronous meeting times are listed as the meeting pattern for this course section. Additional course components will be delivered outside, and in-person, to give students the skills necessary for a site based drawing practice.

  • A student enrolled in a hybrid course can only meet the in-person requirements with physical presence by participating in observational field trips with site based study of 2D design components.
  • The in-person component is integral to successful completion of the course. 
  • All students enrolled in the hybrid course are subject to the same in-person requirements. Students that are unable to meet the in-person requirements of the course should be enrolled in an online only course.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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