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FYCST-1082-2: 3D Studio: Site Specific Sculpture (Hybrid)

Spring 2021

Subject: First Year Core Studio (FYCST)
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: March 22, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Tue 8:00-09:55AM
Tue 8:00-09:55AM, Online - HS-9
Instructor: Taro Hattori

Units: 1.5
Enrolled: 2/2 Closed


This course introduces fundamental concepts of three-dimensional art, design, and architecture. Using a variety of materials, tools and methods, students investigate and explore form and function through mass, weight, movement, balance, and structure. Students will learn various fabrication methods and how to make effective material and tooling choices. Emphasis will be on connecting intention with craft. 3D Studio: Site Specific Sculpture (Hybrid) helps students understand how built objects relate to site, and helps to create a safe studio practice though building professional time management skills, safe use of tools, and positive interactions with specific locations in the neighborhood around CCA’s San Francisco campus. Research and iterative studies are designed to add depth to thinking and working processes. Students will consider issues such as sustainable materials, reuse, diverse cultural and historical contributions and how objects function in the world. Lectures and demonstrations for this hybrid 3D Studio course will be delivered online. Required online synchronous meeting times are listed as the meeting pattern for this course section. Additional course components will be delivered outside, and in-person, to give students the skills necessary for a site responsive making practice.

  • A student enrolled in a hybrid course can only meet the in-person requirements with physical presence by participating in site specific study and the construction of 3D design components in CCA’s outdoor Maker Yard.
  • The in-person component is integral to successful completion of the course.
  • All students enrolled in the hybrid course are subject to the same in-person requirements. Students that are unable to meet the in-person requirements of the course should be enrolled in an online only course.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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