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INTER-2120-1: Design Media 2

Spring 2021

Subject: Interior Design
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Online
Level: Undergraduate

Course Dates: January 25, 2021 — May 09, 2021
Meetings: Meeting Time TBD
Instructor: Matt Kendall

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 7/16


This course has two required components. Students need to register for both when signing up for this course. There is a studio section for the asynchronous portions of the course and a workshop section for the required, synchronous components of the course. The meeting pattern that appears on the workshop section represents the actual times during which students will need to attend the synchronous portions of this course.Students will continue to develop their visual communication skills through an investigation of digital imaging techniques. The lessons leanred in orthographic, axonometric and perspective projections will be applied as the students explore the various graphic representataion programs offered on the computer. Students will also be exposed to the diagrammatic presentation of abstract data and analysis and be asked to integrate multiple forms of graphic information together as part of a cohesive document.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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