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LITPA-3200-2: Writing for Designers

Spring 2024

Subject: Literary and Performing Arts Studies
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 16, 2024 — May 05, 2024
Meetings: Fri 4:00-07:00PM, Hubbell - 161 A
Instructor: Leslie Roberts

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 12/15


All designers have to tell the story of their creative vision - who they are, what inspires them, who they design for. In this class we will write across a variety of genres - from fact-based reporting to interviews of professionals practicing in their field of design to blog entries to creating an artist statement. We'll examine designer websites, to see how it is people explain what it is they're doing. We'll listen to other designers as they tell the story of their work. What will be apparent in ALL the work we'll do will be the importance of story-telling. Our stories, other people's stories, how we tell a story and locate it in the things people say, the work they do. While our goal will be to craft and polish our draft to narrate your senior project, we will be employing all four of these modes: listening, reading, speaking and writing, as we draft, revise, and polish our writing projects toward completion.Writing & Research in the Discipline courses engage with the writing and research skills relevant to the particular discipline at an advanced, upper-division level. The course will be closely linked to the upper-division work in the major program. Frequent writing assignments.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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