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METAL-4000-1: Senior Project

Fall 2023

Subject: Jewelry and Metal Arts
Type: Thesis
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: August 30, 2023 — December 12, 2023
Meetings: Wed 12:00-06:00PM, Main Bldg - A2 (Jewelry Metal Arts Bench Room)

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 6/15 Closed


Senior Project Tutorial is a two to three semester seminar course which expands and extends the technical and conceptual approaches students have developed thus far, guiding them toward a unique and personal artistic point of view. Through peer and mentor critiques, regular reviews with Jewelry / Metal Arts faculty teaching the course, guest artists, field trips, personal research, writing and technical development students independently explore a coherent theme demonstrating conceptual maturity and technical competence. Students then design, install and promote a BFA required online or in person senior thesis exhibition their final semester. A project folder including a thesis, artist statement and extensive documentation is submitted for final review

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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