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METAL-4000-2: Senior Project

Spring 2024

Subject: Jewelry and Metal Arts
Type: Thesis
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 16, 2024 — May 05, 2024
Meetings: Wed 12:00-06:00PM, Hooper GC - GC1
Instructor: Amy Tavern

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 1/16


Senior Projects is a multi-semester course which expands the technical and conceptual approaches students have developed thus far, guiding them to create an artistically unique BFA exhibition. During Senior Projects, students are engaged in personal research, writing, and technical exploration to develop a coherent and conceptually mature theme for their body of work. Regular group and individual critiques take place throughout the semester. In addition, guest artists and field trips are part of the curriculum. Students design, install, and promote a BFA required online or in person senior thesis exhibition during their final semester in the Fine Arts program. A professional portfolio that can be used to apply for graduate studies, exhibitions, and career trajectories is created at the end of the final semester. This includes a thesis, artist statement, and extensive documentation which is presented publicly and submitted for final review.
This course will fulfill 3 units of Fine Art Senior Project requirements. 

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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