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PNTDR-1080-1: Materials and Methods

Fall 2021

Subject: Painting and Drawing
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: September 01, 2021 — December 14, 2021
Tue 11:00AM-01:00PM, Online - FA-5
Tue 11:00AM-01:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - N14/N16
Tue 2:00-04:00PM, Online - FA-5
Tue 2:00-04:00PM, San Francisco - Main Building - N14/N16
Instructor: Keith Thomas

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 11/18


This hybrid course covers the 'how' and 'why' of preparing supports and surfaces, making and applying paint, and constructing paintings in a technically sound way with hand-made traditional western and eastern painting materials. Lectures, demonstrations, museum visits, reading, and student research will complement the hands-on studio experience of painting. Open to anyone with an interest in painting, this class could be beneficial if you are just beginning to paint or if you are already experienced and would like more precise information and a greater practical understanding. This hybrid class includes both in-person and virtual teaching methods. Virtual and in-person demos with materials and techniques will be provided. Dynamic asynchronous material and homework will be structured through moodle. Critiques, sharing of work, and presentations will be done through a combination of virtual and in-person approaches that build community and support the application of new tools, materials and techniques.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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