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TEXTL-3040-1: Printing Level 3: Wet + Wild

Fall 2023

Subject: Textiles
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: August 30, 2023 — December 12, 2023
Meetings: Tue 9:00AM-03:00PM, 350 Kansas - Textiles Studio
Instructor: Joshua Faught

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 5/15 Closed


Not for the weak of heart, this class is a bold and experimental introduction to dyeing, painting, printing, and surface development on textile substrates. Through a range of layered processes including the use of thickened dyes, textile pigments, paste resists, selective color removal, and Thermofax technology, we will explore themes around gesture, abstraction, and mark making. Readings, lectures, and class discussions will highlight histories of color, alchemy, decoration, and taste in our quest for exuberant cloth expressions. This class is suitable for designers and fine artists alike. Bring an apron, and prepare to roll up your sleeves: we are about to get messy.At the 2000 level this course is open to students in ALL majors without previous experience or prerequisites. Continuing and advanced students at the 3000 level focus on developing content and skill through in-depth investigations.

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