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UDIST-3000-3: Design as a Worlding Practice

Spring 2023

Subject: Upper Level Interdisciplinary Studio
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 17, 2023 — May 07, 2023
Meetings: Thu 9:00AM-03:00PM, Hubbell - 111 (Drawing Studio)
Instructors: Ana Llorente, Michael Washington

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 14/16


Upper Division Interdisciplinary Studios extend a student's cross-school experience from Core Studio up into their upper division years. 3 units of Interdisciplinary Studio are required of all majors and must be completed in the junior or senior year. This advanced level studio is thematic in nature. Technical demonstrations are paired with thoughtful readings, seminar discussions and ambitious projects. Collaboration, experimentation and presentation skills are developed in concert with critical thinking.Section Description:In this course, students undertake a cumulative and semester-long project of designing their own country. From their country’s history, to its cultural identities, economic system, and a visual language that represents these elements, students are tasked with designing a new world. Students engage with design as well as a series of readings that oblige them to seriously think about the political implications of their project: cultural politics of race, identity, gender, and nationality. A number of critical questions accompany the course, two of these being: what is the relation between the speculative project of imagining a new world, and expanding our capacity to be critical of the current one we find ourselves in? And what might it mean to think about design as a cultural practice that shapes spaces, ecologies, interspecies entanglements, as well as the stories we tell about who we are in the world?

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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