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WRITE-602-01: Poetry in Prose

Spring 2019

Subject: Graduate Writing
Type: Studio
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Graduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 22, 2019 — May 07, 2019
Meetings: Tue 4:00-07:00PM, Graduate Writing Center - 101
Instructor: Gloria Frym

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 0/10


Section Description: We will investigate the amphibious experiment called the poem in prose, a creature that Baudelaire says "has neither head nor tail, since, on the contrary, everything in it is both head and tail. . . ." What are its structural advantages and liberties, its elasticity and limitations? Our study will include bridges, transitions, and hybrids of poetry/prose/short fiction, and the extended prose poem. How does the poem in prose absorb speech and historically excluded "content?" In what ways do the sentence and the paragraph dismantle distinctions between traditional genres? If genres are essentially literary institutions, does the strategy democratize poetry? What connections emerge between the poem in prose and the visual arts? Readings will be keyed to illuminate the technique as it has been used historically by Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Max Jacob, Stein, Michaux, Ponge, Cortazar, Williams, Etel Adnan, Ashbery. Projects will focus on modernist and contemporary practitioners of the hybrid by such writers as Kazim Ali, Lyn Hejinian, Claudia Rankine, Anne Carson, Harryette Mullen, Leslie Scalapino, Lisa Robertson, Edwin Torres, Fernando Pessoa, and many more.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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