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WRLIT-2030-5: Writing 2: Seeing the Unseen

Fall 2023

Subject: Writing and Literature
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: August 30, 2023 — December 12, 2023
Meetings: Tue/Fri 9:40-11:10AM, 80 Carolina - P3
Instructor: Steve Dickison

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 18/18 Waitlist


Seeing The Unseen suggests two complementary notions: 1) that much of what is potentially available to us as artists in the world often in fact goes unseen; and 2) that there are “ways of seeing” (in John Berger’s famous phrase) that help let the unseen reveal itself. Instead of claiming mysterious “depths,” we’ll try to stay with “surfaces”— in practice, “reading” what we can see (a given “text”) for signs of what we can’t see (possible “subtext”). Class focus will fall on readings, plus video, audio, and experiential activities, to help orient students’ thinking, conversation, and writing, culminating in a written project exploring the unseen that sits “behind” any artwork, as chosen from each student’s major field of study.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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