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CCA Portal

Other Services Offered

Last updated on Sep 06, 2023

Classroom Lock Up & Unlocks

Authorized Students (students with pre-designated access), staff, or faculty members can request to have a room/building unlocked or locked by calling Public Safety at 415-703-9512. Valid and current CCA Photo ID is required prior to service being completed.

CCA Photo IDs

All student ID issues (including updating stickers) are handled Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Public Safety offices on either campus.

Replacement IDs

The first photo ID card is free. Replacement cards cost $10.00.

If you have lost your card, immediately report it in the OneWeb portal to deactivate the card.

To pay for a new card online, visit the ID Card Credit Card Payment in the OneWeb portal.

Once paid, Public Safety receives a receipt as proof of payment. Chains and lanyards for photo ID cards can be obtained at both Public Safety offices. Students must obtain a sticker to validate their photo ID card for each semester of enrollment. Validation stickers can be obtained at the Public Safety desk at the main entrance to 1111 8th on the SF campus with proof of current enrollment and a completed student ID acknowledgment form.

Crime Prevention Program

Public Safety offers the following crime prevention programs to encourage and enable members of the college community to take responsibility for their own security. More information can be obtained from the Public Safety office.

Safety Presentations

Speakers are available to give presentations regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, crime prevention, identity theft, personal safety, injury prevention, ergonomics, workplace violence, emergency preparedness, and other topics.

Crime Alert Notices

When circumstances warrant, the department releases bulletins to alert the college community to special crime-related conditions. CCA uses the RAVE emergency alert system to provide Timely Warnings and Emergency Alerts to our community.

Resource Materials

Brochures and other printed materials about safety, crime prevention, emergency preparedness, alcohol or drug abuse, and public transportation are available in the Public Safety office.

Bicycle Safety

CCA supports a vibrant biking community. There are bike racks located in many locations around and within the campuses. Please use appropriate locking systems when using both indoor and outdoor bike racks. Please refer to SF Safe Bike Registry to globally register your bike. Bicycle or scooter riding and skateboarding within the campus is prohibited. Please walk your bicycle, skateboard or scooter to avoid injuring yourself or others in the CCA community.

**CCA cannot and will not assume any liability for damage to personal property resulting from fire, flood, theft, vandalism, or other causes.  For this reason, staff , faculty, students and any authorized occupant(s) are recommended to obtain coverage under an appropriate property insurance policy.**

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