VAULT is CCA's digital archive for storing the intellectual and creative output of the college. As such, it contains archival photographs, examples of student work, syllabi, campus planning activities, exhibition documentation, and more. VAULT's mission is to support teaching and learning, accreditation and assessment, marketing and promotion endeavors, as well as serve as a historical record of the college by collecting, preserving, and sharing the digital resources created by the CCA community.
How can VAULT help me?
VAULT is a service that the CCA Libraries provide for academic programs and college departments. We can customize your collection to your needs; if something isn't working as intended or you want to discuss a new use case, please let us know.
Here are a few examples of how VAULT is being used or was used in the past:
- Reviewing student portfolios to see if they quality for CORE requirement waivers
- Collecting capstone student works like senior portfolios or junior/level-three reviews
- Rating student work to share particular pieces with Marketing/Communications
- Sharing installation shots of student exhibitions with the whole CCA community
- Organizing external review portfolios which include syllabi and administrative documents
- Demonstrating the quality of CCA student work to visiting accrediting agencies like WASC or NASAD
Systems Librarian Eric Phetteplace is the primary contact for VAULT support.
Frequently Asked Questions
VAULT has its own internal FAQ system where you can submit further questions. Before submitting, please search to see if your question has already been answered before.
How do I upload my syllabus?
Syllabus upload has changed! Use Portal to upload your syllabi. See Portal Course Section Pages for Faculty to learn more.

What are the file type or size limitations?
In short: it varies. Each academic program can define what they want to accept. It is common for collections to request a large, print-friendly TIFF image alongside a smaller, web-ready JPEG or PNG version. VAULT itself is agnostic in terms of file type and can accept very large files, though large uploads can sometimes fail if they're not done over a stable network connection.
Why can't I see a particular work?
In general, visibility settings are like so:
- there are relatively few public items that everyone can see
- students can see public items as well as their own work but not the work of their peers
- faculty can see all student work within the programs that they teach for
- college and program administrators can see all student work within the appropriate academic programs as well as documentation (e.g. syllabi)
However, VAULT's permissions system is complex and full of exceptions to these rules. For instance, there are a few academic programs that share all their student work. If you have a question about specific items, contact

How are the works I contribute to VAULT used?
By far the most common usage for works in VAULT is for accreditation and external review activities. This means that examples of student work and syllabi are shared with external experts who are evaluating the rigor and quality of CCA academic programs. Some student works are also used in Marketing/Communication materials but only with the permission of the academic program and student creator. It may also be insightful to review the college's Intellectual Property Tenants, linked off of the Portal's Intellectual Property page.