Student Resources: Hack Your Homework
Time Management Tips

Online Assignment Planner Tool
U. of Toronto's online tool automatically breaks projects into smaller steps.

Planning a Project?
SMART goals, a simple but mighty method to clarify & reach your goals.

Never Enough Time?
Our 5 favorite sources of Time Management advice. (You're welcome.)
Getting Started

Stuck? Brainstorm Tips
Don't know where to start? Try one of these tips to get ideas going.

Got Research?
CCA Library Guides to online research databases

Decoding "Artspeak"
How to read "Artspeak" and write clearly about contemporary art

What is Synthesis?
Writing a paper? Here's an overview of SYNTHESIS and ANALYSIS.

Mind Mapping
Here's a quick video illustrating how to create a visual map of ideas

Making Short Videos
Need to Make a Quick Oral Presentation Video for a Moodle Class?

Online Learning
Strategies for Online or Hybrid Classes

Basic Essay Writing Structure

Academic Terms
Wellness and Mindful Learning

Artist's Self-care
Ouch! Hours of drawing & writing can hurt. Enter: self-care comics.

How to Manage Anxiety
Advice and strategies for dealing with anxiety

Mindful Learning
7 research-based strategies for focused & sustainable studying
Study Smarter!

Complex Texts & Note-taking
Reading art theory? A difficult poem? Trouble remembering what you've read? Try these!

Strategize Reading
Got a huge PDF to read? Read this comic first!

Captions Can Help!
This simple trick can help you learn better from videos.

Aural Learning
Do you learn better by listening? Have your text read aloud to you!

Study Tool Apps
Our fav mobile apps: Try Flora for Focus for Time Management.