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ARCHT-5700-2: DM: Digital Media Elective: Synthetic Tectonics

Spring 2023

Subject: Architecture
Type: Workshop
Delivery Mode: In-Person
Level: Undergraduate

Campus: San Francisco
Course Dates: January 17, 2023 — May 07, 2023
Meetings: Fri 12:00-03:00PM, Main Bldg - S1 (Digital Craft Lab)
Instructor: Jason Johnson

Units: 3.0
Enrolled: 2/16


This course covers a specific advanced topic in the area of Design Media and Digital Craft in a seminar/workshop format that combines students in their in their fourth and fifth year of the undergraduate program with advanced level graduate students. The elective options might include topics from the area of architectural representation or digital fabrication, and vary from year to year. SECTION DESCRIPTIONThe seminar will explore the conceptual and technical implications of computational design, digital fabrication and other emerging methodologies in architecture, art and design. Special emphasis will be placed on exploring experimental techniques related to parametric and generative software, advanced visualization techniques, material explorations using 3d printing, hybrid prototypes and simulations. The seminar will be structured around a series of topic-based software workshops culminating in the design, visualization and prototyping of a medium-scale experimental pavilion. For the final project students will fabricate a mock-up of a key detail or tectonic assembly from their pavilion. 

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites:

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